ProPoser for Windows The Data Manager to keep and link free-form records Have a universal database and be free from thinking about files. Enter from the first minute free-form records. Find and navigate your data at hypertext style. Try it for free! ProPoser is the data manager for all your records. It is an object-oriented data manager having a universal data-entry screen for entering unlimited user-definable and free-form records with unlimited user-definable and variable-length fields, providing a flexible database for storing alphanumeric records. Keep personal data, records about contacts, customers, partners, employees, friends, family, etc., with unlimited fields for phone, fax, e-mail, URL and any other data category. Keep inventory for products, parts, books, CDs, recipes, any item. Keep serial numbers, services, insurance, expiration dates and any relevant data about your house, car, computer or other goods. Keep tasks, events, anniversaries, ideas, notes and miscellaneous data, structured or not. Anything you can describe with words and/or numbers has place in the Database of ProPoser. The true limits are your need or pleasure of collecting information and...the size of your hard disk. ProPoser supports links between records. Easily, make links expressing personal relations, professional relations, categories, property or any relation between people, entities, events, things, without restrictions. Link your personal record with contact's records, your computer's record with the dealer's record, with the service's record. Link teachers with classes, news with sources, ideas with authors, any record with any records. Your database will express all the real and useful relations that you need remember. Links add knowledge and allow jumping records to navigate, hypertext style, all the database. ProPoser manages a universal data repository. Being a true implementation of Propositional Data Model (PDModel), the Artificial Memory method for organizing data, ProPoser have a built-in Database ready from the first moment to contain all the records and links added by you. All the internal data management is transparent for you. You don't need create, modify, manage or name files. Any record is found simply typing on keyboard one of its fields. Listing records by field is made with one click. Don't worry about the way to organize and ingress your information because you can rearrange it later in the way you want. ProPoser is shareware. ProPoser 2.xx for Windows is freely distributable. Feel free for downloading ProPoser for Windows, shareware for PCs (399 kilobytes). The first record of ProPoser is a General Help. Pressing the Tutor Button you will learn the basic functions in one session. Try it for one month. If you like it you can get a single user license for US $15 or a site license for US $300, using the Register option within ProPoser. If you choose pay with Cash or USD Check send it to: Kagi Shareware 1442-A Walnut Street #392-MN Berkeley, California 94709-1405 USA Running ProPoser Unzip the PROPOXXX.ZIP file. Copy all the files from the diskette to a directory on your hard disk. Execute ProPoser from Windows. After any seconds you will get the first screen. This screen is a View of a Help Record. From here you can access all the software topics, including a Tutor. PROPOSER TUTORIAL. Welcome to ProPoser! ProPoser is ready from the first moment to enter any type of data. Anything you can describe with words and/or numbers has place in the Database of ProPoser. The true limit is your need or pleasure of collecting information and...the size of your disk. Don't worry about the way to organize and ingress your information because you can modify its structure in the future in any way you want. Take only three minutes to learn entering, viewing and editing data. Now, make your own Record with your name. Follow these steps 1) Press the New Record button. ( You will get a white box ) 2) Write the words FIRST NAME and press Enter 3) Write your first name on the new box (For example, John) 4) Press together Control and Enter keys 5) As you don't ingress more data, Press Enter again to finish the action. You got your own Record for your personal data. In the same way, you will can make records about people, entities, objects, events or any type of things. Now you will learn establishing Links between Records. Ingress on your record the link with your mother. Follow the next steps. 1) Press Add Data button 2) On the box, write the word MOTHER and press Enter 3) On the new box write : (a colon) plus the name of your mother (For example, :Julia) 4) Press Control+Enter 5) Press Enter to finish the action. The program created a Record with the name of your mother. From now, you can link any record with this one writing the nature of the link on column 1 and :Julia (for example) on column 2. The : sign (a colon) is the Symbol of Link. As you make a link you must put a colon : before the attribute of the record you want link. REMEMBER THIS! To secure a good link, you must use an exclusive attribute of the linked record and this attribute must be written with care, including every present orthographic sign. Otherwise, if the attribute is not exclusive, the relationship may be established with other record with the same attribute or if the attribute is misspelled and not exist any record with such attribute, ProPoser will create by default a new record and will establish the link with this new record. Now, try editing a Record. When you established the link with your mother, ProPoser searched for a record having an attribute like the name of your mother to record as data that link. As this record was not found, ProPoser created automatically other record, and assigned to it, as its unique attribute, the name written for you. ProPoser, not understanding this word is a name, defined that attribute as an...ATTRIBUTE. Now, we can correct this inaccuracy editing the attribute. Follow the next steps. 1) To retrieve the record of your mother write on screen her name and press Enter. 1) Click on the word Attribute 2) Press the Edit button 3) Replace the word by the words FIRST NAME and press Enter. Now, add a new attribute to your mother. Follow these steps. 1) Press Add Data button 2) Write the words LAST NAME and press Enter 3) Write the last name of your mother 4) Press Control+Enter 5) Press Enter to finish the action. Now, let's see a List of Records. What is a List? A List is the set of all the records having a common characteristic. View in your database the list of all of the records with FIRST NAME. Follow the next steps. 1) Write the words FIRST NAME and press Enter (To call the first record with first name) 2) Press List Records button. If Status line indicates "Listing Records with FIRST NAME", we can see all the records with first name in form of list, each on a different line, showing on first column the attribute for the List and on second column other attribute, if any, allowing us to individualize the record. From a list you can call any displayed record simply double clicking it. 1) Double click on the record of your mother. The Status line indicates "Viewing a Record" and the current record is the one of your mother. You can get the list of the records linking the current record. Get the list of all the records having a link with your mother with one step. 1) Press List Links button. End of Tutorial. Copyright (C) 1996 Sergio Montabone N. All rights reserved. Phone (56-2) 274-0410 E-mail: